About SASI

Empowering Indigenous Communities Through Sustainable Solutions

Building Dreams, Inspiring Change: Empowering Lives through SASI's Commitment to Social Impact

Welcome to SASI, the South Asian Scholars Initiative. We are a non-profit organization that is driven by a passion for promoting the rich knowledge, skills, and resources of the indigenous peoples of South Asia.

Our team comprises scholars and professionals who hail from India and share a deep appreciation for the diverse cultures found in this region. We are devoted to showcasing the unparalleled art, culture, and product designs created by the indigenous people of South Asia.

Our primary focus is to provide these talented individuals with access to both capital and markets, ensuring that their work receives the recognition and support it deserves. Through our efforts, we strive to empower these artists, artisans, and creators, offering them opportunities to enhance their skills and expand their vision. To achieve this, we organize workshops and training programs that further enhance their skills and techniques. We believe that by broadening their visibility and exposure, we can help elevate their status and open up new opportunities.

South Asian cultures are renowned for their incredible diversity, spanning religions, beliefs, languages, cuisine, clothing, dance, and music, among other aspects. SASI seeks to celebrate and preserve these valuable traditions while also encouraging innovation and creativity within the indigenous communities.

We are driven by our deep love for the South Asian heritage and recognize the need to safeguard these traditions for future generations. By promoting the indigenous peoples’ knowledge and talents, we are working towards preserving one of the world’s great civilizations.


To provide sustainable livelihood to the marginalized artists and their community by providing education, training and financial resources.

To revive and sustain South Asian indigenous art, culture, technique and skill and empower artists by building upon their relevant capacities and facilitating their access to the international market.

To provide sustainable livelihood to the marginalized artists and their community by providing education, training and financial resources.


 Find answers to key questions on donation options, volunteering, and more in this comprehensive guide.

Can I volunteer my time ?

Yes, at SASI, we are always looking for passionate individuals who want to contribute their time towards our mission. Volunteers are critical to the success of our organization.

How can I help?

You can help SASI and indigenous communities in South Asia by volunteering, donating, raising awareness, supporting indigenous products, and collaborating with us.

What donations do you accept?

We accept PayPal, Cheque, and bank transfer as donations. Your financial support plays a critical role in empowering the indigenous communities of South Asia.

Can i donate to a specific project?

Yes, you can donate to a specific project at SASI. When making a donation, you can specify which project or program you would like your funds to support

Empowering Indigenous Artisans

At SASI, our primary goal is to provide these talented individuals with the support they need to thrive. We believe in the power of access to capital and markets as essential tools for empowerment. Through our initiatives, we aim to equip the indigenous artisans and craftsmen with the necessary resources and training to succeed in the global marketplace.

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